Rollchair Joy

Association Roll on
Rollchair Joy - D. Gerber / K. Chandorkar
Rollchair is open source - JOIN US!
What we want to achieve is crowd innovation!
What are the goals and who is the target audience?
Our goal is to offer worldwide an innovative wheelchair design, whose construction and building plans we will publish as open source on the Internet, to be used for do-it-yourself construction and development.
Who is behind this project?
Our association Roll on are people with passion and inventive skills. We enthusiastically promote the development of innovative aids for people with disabilities so that they can participate more in society and improve their quality of life.
Join us!
Association Roll on
Text: S. Gebert / S. Wäfler
What we want to achieve is crowd innovation! We believe that inventing also has something to do with discovery. We are looking for you! Inventors, tinkerers, designers, developers. Join us! If we combine our inventive spirit worldwide, we can really make a difference!• You will get the boilerplate from us. You can use existing blueprints, construction principles, idea sketches, artwork as a starting point and we will be extremely pleased if you share your further developments with the "Rollchair" community, so that everyone can profit again!
Our association will make available the Rollchair drafts, plans, and patent specifications from a central repository (e.g. GitHub or others) for further development and updating.

The association Roll on sees itself as ambassador, companion & promoter of your ideas. We support and accompany you in your creative processes and connect you with contact persons of institutions and manufacturers. We act as promoters of creativity. You are even free to found a start-up later based on our invention or to use parts of our ideas for other developments. We have filed a patent application for the wheelchair - but currently do not have a granted patent
Be a part of
Rollchair Joy
EN: A. Kistler Long