Rollchair V0

We want to make the daily life of wheelchair users easier in a sustainable way.
Rollchair V0 - D. Kägi / D. Gerber
What is this project about?
Rollchair is innovative and meets the needs and requirements of wheelchair users. It also offers much more comfort in everyday life because it can be used in three different positions: lying down, sitting and even standing.
"Rollchair" is crowd innovation!
"Rollchair" is crowd innovation! Patent specifications, inventions, design principles, construction plans, idea sketches and artwork are available to you worldwide free of charge and free of licenses for use in subsequent collaborative development.
What we want to achieve is crowd innovation! We believe that inventing also has something to do with discovery. We are looking for you! Inventors, tinkerers, designers, developers. Join us! If we combine our inventive spirit worldwide, we can really make a difference!• You will get the boilerplate from us. You can use existing blueprints, construction principles, idea sketches, artwork as a starting point and we will be extremely pleased if you share your further developments with the "Rollchair" community, so that everyone can profit again!
Join us!
Roll on
Rollchair V0
Design: by K. Chandorkar